Online Training | 800‑258‑3837
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28 to 50 minutes
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There are occasionally generational tensions in the workplace. In reality, we all have something to contribute, so we need to find ways to benefit from our differences instead of letting them hinder teamwork. This video training course educates viewers about proper ways to leverage the power of generations.

Every age group of employees brings a different set of skills to the workplace. This video explores the unique perspectives of the different generations of employees, and how we can use each other’s differences to advance business goals.

This video course educates viewers about best practices for leveraging the power of generations.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

All employees

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Establishing The Playing Field
  • Choosing Sides
  • Advancement Is A Process
  • Advancement Never Stops
  • If You Don’t Slow Down We’re Going To Crash
  • Why All Age Groups Should Continue Learning
  • Finding Common Ground
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