Online Training | 800‑258‑3837
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13 to 19 minutes
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Windows 10 includes built-in security features to help you defend your PC from malware, viruses and intrusions. This course demonstrates how to use and make changes to the security features and settings.

Password security and picture passwords are explained to help viewers understand how images can help secure a computer. The training video also explains how Windows Defender works to thwart intrusion and how antivirus software helps keep your PC secure. This training is good for anyone upgrading from a previous version of Windows and for new Windows users.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Windows 10 users

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Manage Passwords and Privacy Levels
  • Set New Password Types
  • Change Privacy Settings
  • Use Windows Defender
  • Check for Viruses in Windows Defender
Intended Performance Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course you will be better prepared to:
  • Manage personal computer security.
    • Recognize potential threats to computer security.
  • Change computer sign-in options.
    • Identify safe options for setting passwords.
  • Change computer privacy settings.
    • Recall how to change the permissions for a particular app.
  • Use Windows Defender.
    • Identify the functions of the Windows 10 Defender software.
  • Check for viruses in Windows Defender.
    • Locate the tab see potential harmful items detected on your PC.
    • Locate the tab to turn on Real-time protection.
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