Courses Now With Spanish

This month we updated 10 courses to include Spanish. The updated titles include:
For all courses with Spanish, click here.
Backing Basics for CMV Drivers

Backing accidents account for 30% of all CMV accidents, many of which can be avoided. This month we released two new titles on backing basics for CMV drivers. The first course, “Backing Basics And Straight Line, Offset And Parallel Parking For CMV Drivers,” explores the basics of backing, straight-line backing, offset backing, offset parking, and parallel parking. “Backing Basics And Alley Dock Backing And Parking For CMV Drivers” demonstrates the basics of backing when it comes to alley dock backing and parking. Learners are shown how to set up for backing and parking and the backing and parking process.
By following the practices covered in these courses, CMV drivers can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure safer driving when backing and parking. For all courses related to driving, click here.
This Month's News:
Courses Now With Spanish
Backing Basics for CMV Drivers
New Courses
Backing Basics And Alley Dock Backing And Parking For CMV Drivers
Backing Basics And Straight Line, Offset And Parallel Parking For CMV Drivers
Forklift And Powered Industrial Truck Safety
Forklift Safety: Industrial Counterbalance Lift Trucks