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Leading People: Leading, Not Managing People

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8 to 9 minutes
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Leaders are crucial to the long-term success of any organization. This online training course explains the difference between a leader and a manager and shows how a leader’s ability to motivate others has an overall positive effect.

Viewers learn how the traditional management style of daily oversight tends to inhibit talented people. This can lead to underperformance, stifled creativity, and low productivity.

An effective leader has qualities that stimulate an atmosphere of high achievement. For example, leaders are able to communicate an organization’s comprehensive vision, and show how each member contributes to its goals. Leaders coach, mentor and provide opportunities for professional growth. People who are supported by a strong leader feel encouraged to be innovative and to collaborate with others.

There’s a difference between managing and leading! Take this online training course to learn how to contribute to an organization’s success by becoming a more effective leader.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Anyone who would like to become a more effective leader

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • Leading, Not Managing People
  • Summary
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