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Workplace Violence Prevention For Supervisors In California

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Workplace Violence Prevention For Supervisors In California

The California workplace violence prevention bill, SB 553, is significant for ensuring the safety and security of employees in the state. Overall, this bill emphasizes the importance of proactive measures to identify and mitigate risks, promote a culture of safety, and protect the well-being of workers across the state. This online training informs supervisors about the four main components of the law: the workplace violence prevention plan, employee training, a violent incidents log, and temporary restraining orders.

This course discusses the workplace violence prevention plan, what it must include, and how employees must actively develop and implement the plan. Next, it reviews the training requirements for the workplace violence prevention plan and what the training must comprise. In California, employers must record every workplace violence incident in a violent incident log; supervisors learn what types of details belong in this log. Finally, supervisors learn how employers and collective bargaining representatives can petition for temporary restraining orders for employees. The bill does not mandate temporary restraining orders, but the orders give employers more support for employee protection.

Even though there are several, detailed steps employers must follow to comply with this bill, the benefits are limitless. Use this online training course to train up your supervisors on the details of Senate Bill 553 to greater ensure employee safety.

Please note to comply with the SB 553 all covered employers must establish a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan. This includes designating responsible individuals, involving employees in the plan's creation and review, providing training, and establishing clear procedures for reporting and responding to incidents. The plan must also ensure non-retaliation for employees seeking law enforcement support and enable the organization to obtain temporary restraining orders for employees affected by workplace violence.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Managers or supervisors working in California

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • What Workplaces Are Covered By The Law?
  • The Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
  • Training Requirements
  • Violent Incident Logs
  • Temporary Restraining Orders
  • Conclusion
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