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Microsoft Word 2010: Using Macros to Automate Tasks

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19 to 24 minutes
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A new table opens on the screen to show how to use macros You will be given four choices when first using macros Your final window before setting macros

Microsoft Word 2010: Using Macros to Automate Tasks

Word users can save time and keystrokes by learning to apply or create their own macros. Macros simplify repetitive tasks by recording the steps involved in achieving those tasks and enabling them to be run with a few mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts. This training video provides clear, step-by-step instructions on how to use and create macros. The Macro Organizer is explained, and potential uses for macros are covered. Viewers learn about the dangers associated with macros created by unknown sources, and how to set security for macros.

Give your employees the knowledge they need to further automate repetitive tasks through the use of macros. This training video helps employees speed up their work and accomplish more in less time.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

New and experienced Microsoft Word users

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Using Macros to Automate Tasks
  • Automating Tasks Using Macros
  • Creating a Macro
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