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Microsoft Access 2010 - Building the Structure of a Database

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114 to 122 minutes
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This training is designed to help users learn how to organize data using Microsoft Access 2010. Walking step by step through the process, leaners receive explanations of how to use the many features of Access 2010 which help make the organizational process easier.

After the initial table is created, the user is shown how to enter data into the correct fields. It is explained that this organization process is key in setting up a functional database. By organizing the information in the way explained, users are better able to search for key data in an efficient and time effective way.

To close out the course, table relationships and referential integrity are explained. By understanding how to establish table relationships and use referential integrity, users will be able to get additional information from the data they enter into their database.

This Microsoft Access 2010 training course helps equip employees to better use Microsoft Access 2010, organize data in a clean and efficient manner, as well as allow reports to be accurately run.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Anyone looking to learn how to create a database using Microsoft Access

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Building the Structure of a Database
  • Creating a Table in Worksheet View
  • Creating a Table in Design View
  • Field Data Types
  • Memo Field Data
  • Date/Time Field Data
  • OLE Object Field Data
  • Hyperlink Field Data
  • Attachment Field Data
  • The Lookup Wizard
  • Table Tools
  • Table Properties
  • Establishing Table Relationships
  • Referential Integrity
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