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Lockout/Tagout: Affected Employees

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Beginning a lockout/tagout procedure keeping track of your lockout/tagout communicating lockout/tagout procedures with affected employees

Lockout/Tagout: Affected Employees

The fact that "routine" maintenance may still pose dangers to employees is often overlooked. Routine maintenance done incorrectly may put both the employees servicing the machines as well as the employees nearby in extreme danger. Machines turned off may inadvertently be turned back on by coworkers, or equipment controlled by automatic processes may spontaneously power on. Specific procedures have been created in order to reduce the potential for harm found in machine servicing; one such safety procedure is known as lockout/tagout. This on-demand training video will instruct you on the correct steps of lockout/tagout, which devices are lockout devices, as well as the difference between authorized and affected employees.

Lockout/tagout includes protecting against accidental restarts and controlling potential releases of hazardous energy. There are two kinds of employees who must deal with the lockout/tagout process: affected employees and authorized employees. As an affected employee, authorized employees performing maintenance may disrupt your work, making communication critical for maintaining a safe work environment. Communication between the two groups of employees keeps everyone on the same page. This video presents the various types of tags and locks, further enhancing the ability to communicate equipment status to authorized or affected employees.

At any workplace, safety is paramount. While many may think heavy machines are only dangerous when powered on, it is important to remember the threat they pose while turned off. Learn how to use proper lockout/tagout procedures through the material presented in this Video On Demand course.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Training for all workers operating or working around or near machinery, equipment, and control mechanisms.

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • What Is Lockout Tagout?
  • Authorized & Affected Employees
  • The Lockout/Tagout Process
  • Conclusion
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