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OSHA Construction: Introduction to OSHA

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OSHA Construction: Introduction to OSHA

What exactly is OSHA, and what does it do? Simply put, OSHA, or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is responsible for keeping both workers and workplaces safe. Why is this important? According to statistics, each year approximately 6,000 people die from workplace injuries, another 50,000 die from illnesses caused by workplace exposures, and 6 million are injured in non-fatal workplace incidents. The injury cases alone cost U.S. businesses more than $125 billion. Based on these numbers, it is clear why OSHA exists. The safety of workers is paramount and it must be ensured. But how does OSHA provide this protection? You will learn about the responsibilities OSHA demands of employees and employers through the Introduction to OSHA.

OSHA plays another role beyond that of rule-maker; OSHA provides for workplace inspections, as well as avenues employees can use to report perceived safety violations. Since 1970, OSHA has cut the work-related fatality rate in half and reduced the overall injury and illness rate in areas where it has specifically focused its attention. It is therefore easy to see why OSHA, along with its guidelines, is important for maintaining workplace safety. It is critical for you to work in a safe environment. Utilize the information presented in this lesson and know what you and your company need to do to keep you safe.

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  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Anyone working in construction

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • Why OSHA Exists
  • Employer Responsibilities
  • Employee Responsibilities
  • The Competent Person
  • Understanding Inspections
  • Sources Of Assistance
  • Summary

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