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Marine Confined Space Safe Practice: Refresher Course

This course has been discontinued and is no longer available.
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35 to 50 minutes
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A confined space has limited openings, unfavorable ventilation, and is not designed for continuous worker occupancy. This program shows the viewer how to gain favorable safety in a maritime confined space.

This training program discusses three refresher modules designed to help workers cope with time spent in confined areas. The first module is designed to provide the viewer with an understanding of confined spaces and the ability to recognize atmospheric and physical hazards. The second part of this training video details information related to methods of measurement used in evaluating confined spaces. The evaluation module of this program explains qualitative and quantitative reasoning skills when working in confined spaces. The final part of this refresher course provides the viewer with an understanding of the precautions necessary to maintain safe work conditions within a maritime confined space. Measures such as ventilation, isolation, rescue, and respiratory protection are looked at in this training.

To ensure the details of this training are understood, there is a short quiz at the end. Use this video as a refresher course for any individuals dealing with work time in confined areas.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Rich multimedia presentation with interactions and quiz
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Any individual working in a marine confined space area

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Module 1: Recognition
  • Module 2: Evaluation
  • Module 3: Control

© Mastery Technologies, Inc.