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Oilfield Safety: Back & Body Injury Prevention for Oilfield Workers

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66 to 132 minutes
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Standard Definition
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MasteryNet Player
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Working in the Oilfield can be a physically strenuous profession with its risks of sprains, strains and disease. This web based safety training provides learners with the knowledge and information to work in neutral body positions, which will help eleviate built up stress on the muscles and ligaments of the body, allowing the worker to perform difficult tasks injury free. Health and wellness topics such as proper stretching, exercising, nutrition, and disease prevention (Staph infections) are featured. This course will be a valuable addition to your osha training program.

Advantage™ This course is in the Advantage™ format, to read about Advantage™ features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Rich multimedia presentation with interactions and quiz
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Anyone working oilfield drilling and production job sites.

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
    • Loss of flexibility
    • Difference between a sprain and a strain
    • Causes of sprains and strains
  • Ergonomic Intervention and Equipment
    • Ergonomic intervention
  • How to Work in Stress Free Neutral Postures
    • Good posture
    • Neutral posture
    • Principle number one
  • Stretching & Posture Relief for Your Back
    • WUPR
    • Minimize the stress of bending over
    • Back extension
    • Seated posture relief
  • Stretching & Posture Relief for Your Extremities
    • Overhead reach stretch
    • Shoulder rotational shrugs
  • Proper Lifting Techniques
    • Proper lifting technique
    • BLAST
  • Maintain Good Physical Fitness
    • F.A.S.T.
  • Intervention & Treatment of Soft Tissue Injuries
    • RICE
  • Maintaining Good Nutrition
    • Ways to improve your diet
Intended Performance Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course you will be better prepared to:
  • Identify soft tissue injuries.
    • Name the leading reasons we suffer soft tissue injuries.
    • Differentiate between a sprain and a strain.
    • Describe the causes for sprains and strains.
  • Use ergonomic intervention and equipment to help prevent injuries.
    • List the various equipment used to ease physical labor on rigs.
    • Explain how JSAs are important to preventing injuries.
  • Work in stress free neutral postures.
    • Describe good posture while standing.
    • Describe good posture while seated.
    • Recall the main principle of this program.
  • Recognize stretching and posture relief for your back.
    • Define WUPR.
    • Recognize ways to minimize the stress of bending over while working.
    • Recall appropriate posture relief exercises for each situation.
  • Be aware of the stretching and posture relief exercises for your extremities.
    • Identify ways to work in a stress free posture.
    • Identify the best warm-up stretch exercises for each task.
    • Identify good posture relief exercises to perform after each task.
  • Use proper lifting techniques.
    • Describe ways to minimize the chance of injury when lifting.
    • List the actions to take when lifting loads.
  • Appreciate the importance of maintaining good physical fitness.
    • Restate what F.A.S.T. stands for.
    • List the various health concerns if you don't exercise.
  • Be aware of the intervention and treatment of soft tissue injuries.
    • Recall what RICE stands for.
    • Describe what to do if you suffer a soft tissue injury.
  • Maintain good nutrition.
    • List actions to take to improve your diet and reduce calorie intake.
    • Indentify the factors that will increase a person's risk of obesity.

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